Monday, August 1, 2011

How to get into DC disscussions;

Okay, If you used to go on DC alot, Just type in on your search bar , Dove and a little options bar should come down with Dive Club :Disscussions, Etc. It works for Firefox.

If you don't have Fire Fox, Go to Dove club , And in the search bar where it shows the link And after en/ where it says Clubs, change it to forums and hit enter. Hope I helped [:

SD'S Going on another deleting spree?

Lately , Krissyez , Marco , Bree1 and many others have been deleted/banned. Why? Nobody knows.

Ramadan Calendar

Hey guys!
If you haven't seen this yet, it is the Ramadan calendar!
Everyday we get a new free item, and today's item is the Ramadan interior.

Here's a link to the calendar:
Ramadan Calendar

What's with Stardoll? PMSing maybe?

Stardoll's favorite sport atm seems to be deleting & banning members. In about four days, the following accounts were deleted:
Mrs. KFC


They are deleted/banned for no specified reason. 

What's up with SD?

P.S. My account name was on the list of deletions, now contact me at WeTheQueens

Sunday, July 31, 2011

It's Claire.

Hey! I'm a blog author, just to let you know. And, if you wanna know which posts are mine, I'll have that picture in every one of my posts (:

Saturday, July 30, 2011

She's Back!

Now, I haven't heard much of this girl but I knew people hated her. Yesterday she announced she was back with even more secrets. In her blog, She "spills" people " secrets " that probably aren't true.

DC dead?

Lately since the discussions have been closed down , DC'S been pretty dead. Yesterday on page one there were topics from 30 minutes ago .